Daughter of two Cuban political exiles, M.C.A. Hogarth was born a foreigner in the American melting pot and has had a fascination for the gaps in cultures and the bridges that span them ever since. She has been many things—-web database architect, product manager, technical writer and massage therapist—-but is currently a full-time parent, artist, writer and anthropologist to aliens, both human and otherwise.
Her fiction has variously been recommended for a Nebula, a finalist for the Spectrum, placed on the secondary Tiptree reading list and chosen for two best-of anthologies; her art has appeared in RPGs, magazines and on book covers.
You can purchase M.C.A.'s stories and books on Amazon. She used to publish on Smashwords, but stopped after difficulties with their uploading process. She used to blog on LiveJournal, but closed it after Trump was elected and she felt threatened by anti-conservative sentiment. She had a Patreon but has since moved to Locals.
A full, sortable bibliography of her available writing is available here on the wiki.
Partners in Crime[]
- Engineer Sam
- Specialist Tabard
- Specialist Dave Bryant