The Parable of the Broken Pot is an Ai-Naidari parable and has many versions. This version of the Parable of the Broken Pot first appeared in chapter six of Black Blossom.
Reck this: Once there was an aridkedi, a country merchant who created pots for her small town, who was, indeed, the sole seller of pots so skilled was she. Her entire community rejoiced in her talent and so she and they both benefited by her trade. Among one of her many virtues was her promise to mend any pot that cracked, for so great was her skill that her pots did not often break and when they did, if they could not be fixed, she offered a replacement.
This did not happen often.
One day, however, a tinker brought her one of her pots, which had broken. This she mended, as she had vowed to do. Imagine then her surprise when the following day the tinker brought the pot back to her, once again broken!
Again, she mended it. And again, the following day, the tinker returned with a broken pot.
'Why,' she said, 'what is this? This pot, it is flawed! I should give you a replacement.'
'If you wish,' said he.
And so she did. But the following day, the tinker returned, and that pot was broken!
The potter was sore with puzzlement. 'Surely this cannot be,' she said, and mended that pot. But the following day it was broken.
'I am done,' she said, distressed. 'I do not know the reason for this, save that my talent has failed me and I must give up pot-making.'
'You must not!' said the tinker in dismay. 'O beautiful aridkedi, I fear your talent is not to blame. I am breaking the pots, so that I may have reason to see you. For long have I admired you, and knew not how to approach.'
'If it is my attention you want, perhaps you should approach me without cracking my wares,' said she. 'Otherwise, my attention will be on the pot and not on you!'
'Not only are you beautiful and talented,' said the tinker, 'but wise as well.'
So it came to be that the broken pot led to the marriage of two aridked, and the town was enriched not just by the talent of the potter, but by her joy and later, her children. The tinker's pot remains in pride of place on a shelf above the counter of her store. If you go there, you may see it with your own eyes.
This is the tale of the broken pot. Reck it well.